Hi, my name is Ann. I am starting this blog because I have lived in a Pigpen lifestyle trapped by circumstances, wrong choices, and in a bad place. I wanted out and think you do too. I learned things the hard way. I can save you some steps and maybe point you in the right direction on your way Out Of the Pigpen! Hope is in the air right here!

Here is a bit of my story. As a teenager, I felt I was losing the real Ann on the inside while trying to look okay on the outside. Maybe you can relate. I married to get out of my family life (even though my parents were okay) and found that it was not what I thought it would be. I hoped another person (my spouse) would make me happy. That didn’t work (even though I married a great guy and am still married to him), so then I lived a fantasy life in my head while doing real life. I finally stopped and asked myself if I wanted to continue living a “less than” life or if I wanted to make a change. Soooo…. I made a change, lived through it (painful), and landed in a great lifestyle. The changes included a reality check on why I left home, why my family relationships were weak or non-existent, who I wanted to be, and how to get there. If you are living in a pigpen lifestyle, I think my experiences can help you get out. If we share our victories and defeats, I believe we can move Out of the Pigpen.

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